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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/120
volume Number 8،
number In Volume 2،
issue Number 28
A stylistic view on Saadi's Arabic poetry
Mohammad hoseyn Foadian, Hoseyn Elyasi(Author in Charge)
The Analysis of the structure and content of the poets" poetry is at a high
place of importance and can guide the reader to the inner and outer layers of
poetry, thoughts and the poet"s moods regarding the critical and stylistic
approaches. To do this, the stylistic characteristics of Saadi"s Arabic poetry
have been studied. The application of Persian compounds in Arabic forms,
composing new compounds, repetition in the lyrics tone and soften the speech
through the over referring on verbs can be cited among the most important
verbal features of Saadi"s poems. Saadi knows his art in unpretentious and
rhetorical required like abnormal bonds is not included in his poetry, but he
has used some figures of speech in a normal way. Also the application of the
specific gnostic terms and meanings that are among the features of Imam
Ghazali"s mysticism show his strong inclination towards gnostic and mysticism.
Our purpose of this article composition is to study Saadi"s poetry style in his
Arabic poets,and beside the study and the analysis of the style of the poems we
answer this question that whether Saadi has used the characteristics of his
poetry style in Persian language or not? And that whether he has been
influenced by the style of Arab poets or not? And that what ploys have been
used by the poet to express his poetic senses in Arabic language?
, stylistics
, Arabic poetry
, imagination